Thursday 22 March 2012

Busy busy

Well I realize it has been a few weeks since I last posted.  Life is busy around here.  Monkey man never stops!  He is walking around furniture and toys, crawling non stop, and trying to explore everything especially if it isn't his own stuff.  Another thing he is now doing is crawling up the stairs.  He started doing this without his boots/bar on but within a day he has mastered doing it both ways!  There is no stopping that boy!  Needless to say he is very proud of himself as am I and the stairs are a huge magnet now so we go up and down many many times each day!  Have to keep this short as it is almost time to get Monkeyman ready for bed.

Here are a few pictures of the monkeyman's adventures the past few weeks

          Crawling up the stairs with boots/bar- ignore the choice of clothing as he was ready for nap :)

                                                        Climbing on a side coffee table


                                                         Climbing on a toy bucket

Did you notice the climbing theme in the above pictures????

                                                       Trying to get himself some supper

                                                       Cool dude ready for a walk

Wednesday 7 March 2012

9 Months!

I can't believe it has been 9 months since the most amazing Monkeyman came into my life!  I love him more everyday! 
It is so much fun to watch his personality really start to come out.  He is a go go go kind of boy.  Loves to smile and laugh and does a super cute squinty eye giggle that melts my heart.
He made it up one stair on his own a few times which is scary!  Not ready for that! He is starting to walk holding onto his toys and furniture- without and with the shoes on! With the shoes on scares me as I worry that he is going to roll his ankle or break an ankle.  I do find he has a bit harder time trying to figure out how to get away from a toy he is standing at when he has the shoes on.  Sometimes I have to rescue him but most the time he can figure it out eventually.  Also might be because he is tired since his shoes go on just before bed.

I think he has a sensitivity to watermelon- he only had it twice.  The first time he ate ALOT and his back went really red and had some rash on his face by his mouth.  The next time he only had a few pieces and he ended up with red where the juice went down his chin and a little bit of a rash.  I am going to eat it by myself and try again in a month or so to see if he still reacts.  It is too bad since he loved it!

Here are some pictures of the little man- I appologize for the number of them- I honestly did narrow it down :)

                                                                Handsome monkey

                                                              Thumb up chillin
                                                          Squinty face :)




                                                             So sweet
                                                             Gonna eat the puppy

                                                                Wow look up there
                                                  Does this make my ears stick out?

                                                                  Playing with his bar

                                                       Happy dude

Thursday 1 March 2012

a few videos with shoes on

Thought I would post a few videos of monkeyman on the move with his shoes on.  As you can see they don't slow him down at all although being a bit tired did make it a bit difficult to get a few little videos.